Messina – «”Un precursore capace di evidenziare con una ludica e attenta critica tutte le patologie sociali e culturali e le contraddizioni della città di Messina”»

domenica 31 maggio 2015 – Pala AntonelloMessina

Un grande evento culturale – La Conferenza internazionale di 52 studiosi provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo che si esprimeranno sull’esperienza espressiva del

“Outsider artist” Cavaliere Giovanni Cammarata 



“Un messinese che ha avuto da tempo grandi riconoscimenti internazionali e che domenica verrà consacrato come uno dei “Outsider artist” più famosi in Europa.

In questa occasione, due sue opere ritenute dalla critica, di notevole valore artisticorecentemente portate alla luce e brillantemente restaurate, saranno per la prima volta poste in visione alla Galleria D’Arte Moderna di Messina del Pala Antonello.

Il Convegno avrà inizio alle ore 11.00 (Le relazioni sull’opera di Cammarata e la città si terranno all’inizio e per tutta la mattina – Vedi Programma allegato) e si concluderà alle ore 18.00Durante la giornata sarà possibile visitare una mostra di tutte le attività di valorizzazione dell’esperienza espressiva di Giovanni Cammarata sino ad  ora operate.


Dopo il convegno alle ore 18.00 – 18.30 comincerà la visita ai due elefanti restaurati. Opere di notevole Bellezza che sono state restituite, secondo la volontà dell’artista, alla collettività messinese.Alle ore 21.00 in via Maregrosso sarà possibile una suggestiva visita delle vestigia illuminate della Casa museo di Cammarata ed ammirare quel che resta della sua opera.

Alle ore 21.30, in situ, sarà proiettato un video relativo ad un reportage che la Rai nel 1991 fece su Cammarata. Una lunga intervista con l’artista la cui lettura critica al contesto ambientale e culturale della città di quel tempo retrospettivamente si presenta come una ludica e attenta critica a tutte le patologie sociali e culturali e alle contraddizioni di cui la città ancor oggi soffre.”

a cura dell’Architetto Carmelo Celona

Nota BLOG – Invito gli amici del Blog di gustare e condividere questo riconoscimento attestato internazionale ad un vero Artista messinese, a cui non abbiamo fatto mancare la Via Crucis dell’indifferenza e dell’ignoranza.

Programma allegato


May 28: Palermo

Chiesa dei Santi Elena e Costantino, Piazza Vittoria

9-10 a.m. Arrival and reception of participants

10.a.m Institutional Welcome

Francesco Forgione, Director of the Federico II Foundation, Palermo

Andrea Cusumano, Councillor for Culture of the City of Palermo

Caterina Greco, Superintendent for the Agrigento Cultural and Environmental Heritage

10,30 a.m.-1 p.m. Conference, part I – Knowledge/Preservation

Chairman: Thomas Röske, director of the Prinzhorn Collection and chairman of European Outsider Art Association (Heidelberg,Germany).

Opening of the Conference

Eva di Stefano, President of Osservatorio Outsider Art, Università di Palermo

Heterotopias. Introduction to Conference

Roger Cardinal, Emeritus Professor University of Kent

Citadels of seclusion: respecting the Outsider environment

Leslie Umberger, Curator of Folk and Self-taught Art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington

Contested Terrain: The Challenges, Paradoxes, and Importance of Preserving Art Environments


1 p.m.-3 p.m. lunch break

(In this break, It’s also possible to visit the Palace Chapel, the most important Norman monument in Palermo, and its wonderful mosaics)

3 p.m.-7 p.m.

Chairwoman: Marina Giordano, art critic and vice-president of Osservatorio Outsider Art

Vincenzo Guarrasi, Geographer, University of Palermo

Other places and other spaces. Is it possibile to make a hole in the landscape?

Paola Capone (University of Salerno) & Nathalie Roelens (University of Luxembourg),

Lassus’ “inhabitant landscaper”: its legacy and its convergence with recent concerns in place-studies

Coffee break

Roberta Trapani, University of Paris X – Nanterre, founding member of CrAB

Irregular heritage: definitions and safeguarding strategies for an atypical legacy

Marc Botlan, general curator of French artistic heritage and historical monuments

Outsider art environments: knowledge and protection issues

Rita Ferlisi, Soprintendenza Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Agrigento

Hypothesis of a European Charter for the Recognition and Protection of Outsider Environments


7 p.m. – Happy hour and dinner (all participants of the conference are invited)

8.30 p.m. – Transfer of participants to the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Via Paolo Gili

9.30 p. m. – Screening of video documentaries on Outsider Art In Sicily by CLAC

Giovanni Cammarata

Giovanni Bosco

Gilda Domenica

Filippo Bentivegna


by Ruggero Di Maggio and Gabriele Gismondi. CLAC in coproduction with Mon Amour Film (13′ x 5)

Sicilian pathways: the Outsider Art. A journey in the discovery of clandestine Sicilian art 

by Alessandro Ajello (42′)

CLAC production

May 29– Palermo

8.30-9 a.m. transfer for the visit to Isravele’s sanctuary

9 a.m.-1 p.m. – climb up Monte Gallo and visit to the sanctuary

1 p.m.-3 p.m. – free lunch in Mondello and return to Palermo

5 p.m.-7 p.m. – Chiesa dei SS. Elena e Costantino, Piazza della Vittoria

Meetings of “interest groups”

1.Collectios/Research directed by Thomas Röske (Heidelberg)

2 Open studios directed by pIerre Muylle ( LIegi)

3 Outsider Art environments l directed by Raija Kallioinen (Helsinki) and Marina Giordano ( Palermo)

Free dinner

May 30 Tour of Outsider Art in Siciliy (programme reserved for subscribers to the tour)

9 -12.30 a.m. – coach trip to Sciacca and visit to Filippo Bentivegna’s Sculpture Garden

Meeting with Caterina Greco, Soprintendente Beni Ambientali e Culturali di Agrigento, Regione Siciliana

12.30 a.m.-2 p.m. – lunch in Sciacca provided by Sciacca Municipality.

2 p.m.-6 p.m. – coach trip to Messina

Arrival in Messina, accommodation in Hotel, dinner provided by Messina Municipality

May 31 – Messina

10 a.m. – Visit to Giovanni Cammarata’s House, Via Maregrosso

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Palacultura “Antonello da Messina”, viale Boccetta 373

Conference part II – Case Studies (free entrance)

Chairwoman: Eva di Stefano, University of Palermo, president Osservatorio Outsider Art

Institutional Welcome

Tonino Perna, Councillor for Culture of the City of Messina

Carmelo Celona, Architect e and Director of Service Enhancement of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of the City of Messina

Giovanni Cammarata: The cementiere rebel and revived the myth – strengthening a fragile genius loci: Project for a House Museum in Maregrosso.

Pier Paolo Zampieri, sociologist, University of Messina

Zonacammarata: Messina, Maregrosso: retroactive landscapes and social process


1-3 p.m. lunch break provided for subscribers to the tour by Messina Municipality

3-7 p.m.

Chairman: Pier Paolo Zampieri, University of Messina

Norbert Grote, restorer (Germany)

The Junkerhaus: an accessible memorial

Lorenzo Madaro, art critic and expert on museology

Ezechiele Leandro. The Sanctuary of patience

Domenico Amoroso, Director of Musei Civici di Caltagirone

To Chytèra: The Sacred Garden of Giuseppe Zafarana

MInna Haveri, scholar of visual arts and contemporary Finnish folk art (Helsinki)

Visual Dialects – The site- and culture-specific nature of ITE art environments

Gabriele Mina, antropologist, curator of the Costruttori di Babele Italian online archive

Creative Conservations: Italian Cases

Discussion and End of Conference

7.00 p.m. Visit to the Galleria d’ Arte Moderna to see Cammarata’s elephant sculpture restored on the occasion of the Conference

8.30 p.m. – dinner provided for subscribers to the tour by Messina Municipality

9 p.m. Events at Casa Cammarata ( vista e proiezione video 9.30 p.m.)

curated by Messina Municipality e Gruppo Zona Cammarata

June 1 – Tour of Outsider Art in Sicily (programme reserved for subscribers to the tour)

9-12 a.m. – Coach trip to Castellammare del Golfo

Accommodation in Hotel, free coffee break or lunch

4.30 p.m. – visit to the murals by Giovanni Bosco guided by Salvatore Bongiorno,

President of Associazione Outsider Art Giovanni Bosco

5 -6 p.m. Castello arabo-normanno di Castellammare del Golfo

Institutional Welcome

Meeting with Eliana Costa, restorer, University of Palermo

Presentation of the mural restoration project

Projection of the documentary Giovanni Bosco dottore di tutto, produced and made by Zep Studio

6-8 p.m. – EOA General Assembly

8 p.m. – Dinner provided for subscribers to the tour by Castellammare Municipality

June 2 Transfer by bus to Falcone e Borsellino Airport

1st transfer – 6 a.m. (50 minutes)

2nd transfer – 8.30 a.m.

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